luni, 1 mai 2006

Incursiune prin sudul Banatului - Herculane, 01.05.2006

Raid in the southern Banat
by Dani G
Primele flori
First flowers
Lacul "7 Izvoare"
"7 Springs" Lake
La Cloacă
The jump

Pinii Ţăsnei
Tasna's pine trees

Urcuş spre Crovul Mare
Climb towards Crovul Mare


Grădina suspendată
Suspended garden

The dolphins

La Crucea Albă
At the White Cross

Deasupra Herculanelor!
Above Herculanum!

Decebalus Rex

The Danube

Plimbare prin defileu
Walking through the gorge

Castelul sârbesc
The serbian castle

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